Wednesday, January 5, 2011

It shouldn't be a surprise to me....

There are times when I wonder :  " How in the heck can my two boys be so darn messy?"  Today I was looking at some old photos I had scanned into my computer and one in particular caught my eye.

Hmmm... something looks oddly familar... Cute kiddo (if I don't say so myself) and a HUGE mess!  Aha.... So that's where they get their natural talent for messes with food :) (I'm hoping they inherited some of my better traits too)

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!!!

Hello Everyone! :)  I know it has been quite a while since I've posted.  I'll admit I bit off more than I could chew.  The last few months have been wonderful and crazy busy. Many messes and omg moments from the kiddos, I participated in a craft show.  Ethan, my youngest, celebrated his 1st Birthday in mid December.  We  enjoyed the holidays and were very lucky to have my sister and her husband visit.  I  completed the felt playhouse!!! Whoohoo!!  Too many things to catch up on play by play, but I am going to be posting more in 2011.  As part of my (many) New Years resolutions, I will be posting hopefully atleast once a week :)  I promise to post pics of the felt playhouse and other crafts from the last few months.  Cheers to 2011 and post 1 of the year :)